Our highly qualified team of lawyers, human resources specialists, investigators, mediators and industrial psychologists enables Equalis to offer rapid, comprehensive and personalized service to every organization that requests our assistance.

Marie Garel
Partner, Lawyer, Certified Mediator (UdeS/IMAQ)


A graduate of McGill University, Marie practiced at an international law firm for ten years as an employment lawyer. She has several years of experience in conflict prevention and management. She offers training, assessment, mediation and investigation services in the workplace. Beyond her extensive expertise, Marie is appreciated by clients for her compassion, her ability to listen and her practical approach.



Laurent Godbout
Partner, Lawyer, Certified Mediator (UdeS/IMAQ)


Laurent practiced law at both an international law firm and a pioneering New Law firm in Québec for twelve years. Specialized in dispute prevention and management, Laurent offers investigation services related to psychological or sexual harassment, compliance, ethics and deontology. He also intervenes in workplaces to conduct diagnostics, conciliation and mediation. His clients appreciate his thoroughness, his attentive listening, his judgment and his ability to manage the most delicate cases with tact and discretion.



Chantale Dallaire
Lawyer, Investigator

Chantale is a lawyer with over ten years of experience in conflict management and the professional development of legal talent within international firms. She offers investigation services related to psychological harassment in the workplace, the right to manage and questions related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. She also conducts workplace diagnostics, offers training to relevant stakeholders, and acts as a consultant for talent management and talent recruitment. Clients appreciate her for her rigour, her empathy and judgment.


Simon-Luc Dallaire
Lawyer, Investigator

Simon-Luc started his legal career by practising litigation within a national law firm for eight years. He then worked as an investigative lawyer for a renowned legal institution, after which he acted as a recruitment consultant. Simon-Luc intervenes in workplaces to conduct investigation mandates regarding issues of harassment and misbehaviours, as well as workplace climate analysis. He is known for his strong understanding of clients’ needs, his ability to listen and his pragmatic approach.
